8 research outputs found

    Data Mining Techniques to Understand Textual Data

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    More than ever, information delivery online and storage heavily rely on text. Billions of texts are produced every day in the form of documents, news, logs, search queries, ad keywords, tags, tweets, messenger conversations, social network posts, etc. Text understanding is a fundamental and essential task involving broad research topics, and contributes to many applications in the areas text summarization, search engine, recommendation systems, online advertising, conversational bot and so on. However, understanding text for computers is never a trivial task, especially for noisy and ambiguous text such as logs, search queries. This dissertation mainly focuses on textual understanding tasks derived from the two domains, i.e., disaster management and IT service management that mainly utilizing textual data as an information carrier. Improving situation awareness in disaster management and alleviating human efforts involved in IT service management dictates more intelligent and efficient solutions to understand the textual data acting as the main information carrier in the two domains. From the perspective of data mining, four directions are identified: (1) Intelligently generate a storyline summarizing the evolution of a hurricane from relevant online corpus; (2) Automatically recommending resolutions according to the textual symptom description in a ticket; (3) Gradually adapting the resolution recommendation system for time correlated features derived from text; (4) Efficiently learning distributed representation for short and lousy ticket symptom descriptions and resolutions. Provided with different types of textual data, data mining techniques proposed in those four research directions successfully address our tasks to understand and extract valuable knowledge from those textual data. My dissertation will address the research topics outlined above. Concretely, I will focus on designing and developing data mining methodologies to better understand textual information, including (1) a storyline generation method for efficient summarization of natural hurricanes based on crawled online corpus; (2) a recommendation framework for automated ticket resolution in IT service management; (3) an adaptive recommendation system on time-varying temporal correlated features derived from text; (4) a deep neural ranking model not only successfully recommending resolutions but also efficiently outputting distributed representation for ticket descriptions and resolutions

    Generating textual storyline to improve situation awareness in disaster management

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    Abstract—Hurricane Sandy affected the east coast of U.S. in 2012 and posed immense threats to businesses, human lives and properties. In order to minimize the consequent loss of a catastrophe like this, a critical task in disaster management is to understand situation updates about the disaster from a large number of disaster-related documents, and obtain a big picture of the disaster’s trends and how it affects different areas. In this paper, we present a two-layer storyline generation framework which generates an overall or a global storyline of the disaster events in the first layer, and provides condensed information about specific regions affected by the disaster (i.e., a location-specific storyline) in the second layer. To generate the overall storyline of a disaster, we consider both temporal and spatial factors, which are encoded using integer linear programming. While for location-specific storylines, we employ a Steiner tree based method. Compared with the previous work of storyline generation, which generates flat storylines without considering spatial information, our framework is more suitable for large-scale disaster events. We further demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed framework through the evaluation on the datasets of three major hurricane disasters

    Knowledge Guided Hierarchical Multi-Label Classification Over Ticket Data

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    Resolution Recommendation for Event Tickets in Service Management

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    An Integrated Framework for Mining Temporal Logs from Fluctuating Events

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    Applying data mining techniques to address critical process optimization needs in advanced manufacturing

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    Advanced manufacturing such as aerospace, semi-conductor, and flat display device often involves complex production processes, and generates large volume of production data. In general, the production data comes from products with different levels of quality, assembly line with complex flows and equipments, and processing craft with massive control-ling parameters. The scale and complexity of data is be-yond the analytic power of traditional IT infrastructures. To achieve better manufacturing performance, it is imperative to explore the underlying dependencies of the production data and exploit analytic insights to improve the production process. However, few research and industrial efforts have been reported on providing manufacturers with integrated data analytical solutions to reveal potentials and optimiz